Thursday, July 1, 2021

A Brief Overview of the World of Children Nonprofit Organization

Adam Freede is the co-founder and chief executive officer of MadaLuxe Group, a California-based distributor of luxury products. A dedicated supporter of children and youth, Adam Freede sits on the board of World of Children.

World of Children is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support children from vulnerable backgrounds. The organization funds and educates individuals and other nonprofits involved in advocating for children. Topics include improving children’s education, health, and tougher laws against child trafficking. Since 1998, World of Children has spent more than $14 million in programs aimed at supporting children in over 70 countries.

World of Children also runs an award program known as the Nobel Prize for Child Advocates. Founder Harry Leibowitz handed out the first award in 1998. He realized there were many prestigious awards for film, art, literature, science, but no award existed to acknowledge the efforts of children’s advocates.

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